Important & Frequently Asked Questions
Questions you should ask
Whenever you consider any Health Care Practitioner, it is always good to do your homework to make sure the scope of their practice fits your particular needs.
Understanding the answers to these questions is important as they will help you make the best health care choices.
What does "Holistic" mean?
Holistic (adj): characterized by the treatment of the whole person, rather than just the symptoms of a disease.
Holistic does not simply define health as the absence of disease, it also means that an individual experiences “well-being”. To experience well-being, one would make it a goal to achieve and balance six dimensions of wellness. These include:
- Physical Wellness
- Emotional Wellness
- Intellectual Wellness
- Spiritual Wellness
- Social Wellness
- Occupational Wellness
A holistic approach recognizes and respects that each person is an individual and unique, so the care and support one client needs will likely differ from another.
Why choose a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner?
There are several reasons why choosing a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner is a good idea. At times, a client will receive an unpleasant or unexpected diagnosis from their medical provider. For instance, clients are frequently diagnosed by their physician with one or more the following:
- Cardiovascular issues, including high blood pressure
- Obesity
- Pre-diabetes, or type II Diabetes
- High cholesterol
These conditions are known as “lifestyle diseases”. Lifestyle diseases are ailments that are primarily due to the day to day habits of people. Habits that discourage a healthy diet, detract people from activity and push them toward a sedentary routine can cause a number of health issues commonly called lifestyle diseases.
When a client receives one of the above diagnoses, by working with a Holistic Health Practitioner they can learn new dietary and lifestyle habits that may mitigate or reverse many of the common lifestyle diseases we see today. Ultimately, clients see the best possible outcomes when they choose to form a team with their primary health care provider and a Holistic Health Practitioner.
Another reason why choosing a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner is a good idea is that Primary Care Providers are falling short on providing quality one-on-one care that fits the unique needs of each patient. On average, patients visiting their doctor only have about 11 seconds to explain the reason for their visit. Additionally, most doctors do not receive the necessary training that prepares them to address the nutritional and lifestyle changes that could mitigate disease development or progression.
Holistic Health Practitioners, on the other hand, have been proven to improve clients’ quality of life, raise their spirits, help them see and feel physical health improvements, increase their emotional well-being, and feel less stressed.
A Holistic Health Practitioner will take the time to get to know their clients on a personal level, make them feel heard, and adjust their recommendations to meet each client’s unique needs. They also work hard to ensure that their clients will be well equipped to make these improvements last for the long-term.
To assist a client reach their health and wellness goals, our aim is to understand to the best of our ability what each client is looking for by working with us, and then develop a personalized plan based on this information.
When is a Holistic Health Practitioner NOT recommended?
There are very few instances where working with a Holistic Health Practitioner wouldn’t yield at least some benefit.
There are situations though that require the attention of a physician or specialist and are clearly out of the scope of practice for a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner. Some of them include:
- If you cut your arm off, or break a limb: Call 911 or go directly to the emergency room.
- Medications: Most Holistic Health Practitioners do not prescribe or recommend medications. If a client wishes to reduce or eliminate medications, a Holistic Health Practitioner can recommend dietary and lifestyle modifications that may improve overall health therefore reducing the need for, or amount of medications an individual needs. If this is the desire of a client, the client must inform and work with their prescribing physician (the Doctor who prescribed the medication to them initially) to create a plan on how to appropriately and safely discontinue or alter the dosage of any medication.
- Fear of a necessary medical procedure or operation: Sometimes the best and safest course of action for an individual is a medical procedure that has the potential to save or greatly improve their quality of life. Many individuals become afraid of going back to the doctor, having surgery or an operation and may reach out to a Holistic Health Practitioner instead in an attempt to find an alternate “cure”. While fear is something that can certainly be addressed by a Holistic Health Practitioner, as well as ways to support the mental, emotional and physical body before and after a procedure, clients should not try to use a Holistic Health Practitioner in place of a necessary (sometimes lifesaving) medical procedure.
During an initial consultation, our aim is to understand to the best of our ability what each client is looking for by working with us, and very clearly advise a client when they are seeking care that is outside our scope of practice.
Am I a Nutritionist or a Health & Wellness Coach?
I consider myself a hybrid within the Holistic Health paradigm. My predominant focus is on working with clients as a nutritional consultant while facilitating positive lifestyle changes in an effort to help a client attain optimal health.
Many times clients really just need guidance and direction and a supportive team to stand beside them while they brainstorm ways to implement healthier lifestyle choices.
Other clients truly value the accountability factor of weekly or bi-monthly follow up sessions between an initial nutritional consultation and their reassessment. For these clients a coaching model can certainly be implemented to ensure success.
To truly assist every client individually in reaching their health and wellness goals, my aim is to understand what each client is looking for by working with me, and then develop their personalized plan based on this information, whether that be one of a nutritional consultant or one that requires more of a coaching relationship.
At the end of the day it’s finding the answer to the question: “What does my client need to be successful?”
Do we have a "Niche"?
The term “niche” is very popular in the health and wellness field. Get a group of coaches together and the question “What is your niche?” is bound to come up.
Our observation has been that the majority of people choose their niche based on where they personally are in life, or on the interests or experiences they have had up until this point in time. We all age, and our needs and interests change through the years, so we’ll experience many different potential niches throughout life. One could make any aspect of holistic health their niche and in a few years resonate with something completely different.
In our practice, we have worked with all kinds of clients of all different ages, and walks of life. With our educational background and years of experience, we’ve been able to help each and every client in some manner, and we truly enjoy the challenge of working with a wide variety of clients.
So for these reasons, we have chosen not to focus on only one aspect or type of client. Helping everyone we work with to become more “Holistic in Health” is our niche.
This area is designed to answer many Frequently Asked Questions.
We hope you find it helpful.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions that are not answered here.
Who may benefit from working with us?
Our individualized approach to each client assists people of all ages and walks of life. We work with everyone ranging from pregnant women, to families and people with very specific health issues.
Benefits may include:
- Better ability to concentrate
- Better quality sleep
- Happiness
- Healthier lifestyle and food choices
- Increase in energy
- Less drastic mood changes
- Lessen chance of disorders and disease appearing
- Possible increase in longevity
- Reduced symptoms of disease
- Strengthened immune system
- Reduce food cravings
Those who may benefit include individuals with:
- Allergies
- Cancer
- Cardiovascular issues
- Diabetes
- Digestive complications
- Hypoglycemia
- Nausea and gastrointestinal issues
- Obesity
- Organ problems and/or toxicity
- Osteoporosis
- Pre-Menopause/Menopause
- Poor nutrition and eating patterns
How long will it take to notice results?
Results are gauged differently by each client and are based on so many variables that it is impossible to answer this question with a blanket statement. When clients follow our recommendations, positive effects in the body can happen very quickly, but typically, clients begin to see and feel improvements in as little as 3-4 weeks.
How often will I need to come in for an appointment?
The answer to this question is really up to each individual client.
After an initial consultation, and follow up visit, many clients really just need basic guidance and direction while they begin to implement healthier dietary and lifestyle modifications. We typically recommend monthly follow up visits for these clients.
Other clients truly value the accountability factor of weekly or bi-monthly follow up sessions. For these clients a coaching is implemented to ensure success. This would build visits in every 1-2 weeks.
At the end of the day, it’s finding the answer to the question: “What does my client need to be successful?”
Can you help me get off my medications?
As a Holistic Health Practitioner, we do not prescribe or recommend medications. If a client wishes to reduce or eliminate medications, a Holistic Health Practitioner can recommend dietary and lifestyle modifications that may improve overall health therefore reducing the need for, or amount of medications an individual needs.
If this is the desire of a client, the client must inform and work with their prescribing physician (the Doctor who prescribed the medication to them initially) to create a plan on how to appropriately and safely discontinue or alter the dosage of any medication.
Will I need to take pills or supplements?
In many cases the answer is yes, at least temporarily. Most individuals consuming the Standard American Diet are, and have been deficient for a long time, in many vitamins, minerals and micronutrients the body needs to function optimally. Unfortunately, many times this holds true even if a client is consuming a primarily organic diet and taking their own supplements.
After reviewing all intake information, including an extensive health history, biomarkers (blood work), and Systems Survey (an online questionnaire that indicates core body processes that could benefit from nutritional support based on a client’s responses), we make basic recommendations of quality supplements to bridge the gap between what the body needs and what it is receiving through the client’s diet and lifestyle.
The goal of living “holistic in health” is to help clients learn ways to use their diet and lifestyle to more efficiently provide quality nutrition that is vital for health and well-being, thus reducing the need for additional supplements.
Can I work with you remotely?
Yes! We work remotely with many clients from all over the country, via email, phone and/or video communication. If products are recommended, they can be drop shipped, or the client is given access to be able to order them from the comfort of their own home.
This is a service we are happy to provide to anyone who is interested.
What is your payment policy?
Payments for all services are expected prior to services being rendered. Once you schedule an appointment, you will receive an invoice that can be paid online. Processing fees are waived if you choose to pay by cash or check.

My Mission
To guide as many as possible, through education, coaching and example, on how to live a holistic and natural life, because we truly believe it’s how we were designed.